This historical perspective cautions us from labeling something “traditional”
and another “new,” especially now that exponential growth in computing power
can easily make a new technology suddenly obsolete. For example, the reliable
post mail suddenly got called “snail mail” when emails and instant messaging
apps took over as our primary means of sending messages over long distances.
The “one-hour photo developing” of pictures in the late 90s was considered fast
before smartphones and Instagram were born. It is not exaggeration to say that
most of what we consider cutting-edge communication technology or “new media”
will soon be outmoded. But for purposes of analyzing the changing forms of
media and how it impacts, we shall use the terms traditional media and new
In distinguishing between traditional and new media, we can initially
compare the technology that they use to spread information. New media is
digital and Internet media is a big part of this (websites, blogs, wikis,
online newspapers, and social media). It also includes information delivered
through digital services like video games, augmented reality, and virtual
reality, DVDs and CD-ROMs. Traditional media are those that transmit
information without the use of the Internet or any digital platform (i.e.
analog technology like airwaves). Traditional media are what used to be
collectively known as mass media for their ability to simultaneously
disseminate information to a very large group of people (TV, radio, film, and
print media).
By definition, new media can also be considered as a form of mass media.
At the same time, traditional media companies have since adopted digital
technology to spread content. Is there any difference, then, between
traditional media and new media when their contents converge? What is the
difference between reading an article from a newspaper and reading the exact
same story from that newspaper’s website? Think about the differences in your
experience when watching your favorite program on TV and when accessing it
through a computer.
The most essential difference is that new media are on-demand and
interactive. For centuries, the greatest innovation in communication focused on
improving how quickly a message can be sent, how far it can be sent, the number
of people it can be sent to, and how accurate the message can be conveyed.
Traditional media seem to have adequately solved those problems and yet the
technology simply did not allow for a true multi-directional flow of
information. Always, the information goes fomr sender to the receiver. Sure,
traditional media have incorporated some means of feedback to create a
semblance of a conversation, but it is new media that truly allows for a
Traditional media also control when information can be accessed with
their program grids and schedules. Twenty-four-hour news channels and daily
newspapers never really felt very limiting until new media allowed people to
access information when they want, where they want. And when new
media-specifically social media- allowed us to instantly react, comment, and
share with the click of a button on devices we can bring practically anywhere,
we have transformed from mere consumers or receivers of information to
producers of information. Information no longer just flows in one direction; it
is now like a web that goes to multiple directions, and we, too, can send our
information to our own friends/followers on social media. Before, we were just
studying media and how they affect us. Now, there is an added layer that pushes
us to examine ourselves in order to become responsible deliverers of
Evolution of Media |
Because of the on-demand and interactive qualities of new media, some
suggest that the more apt the term for new media is “open media.” This openness
makes the exchange of information extremely fast. But does speed come at the
expense of accuracy? Consider the proliferation of fake news- from the
occasional celebrity death hoax to the inability of major Philippine
broadsheets to change their headlines when Mary Jane Veloso received a
last-minute stay on her execution, or that fake news were allegedly produced to
influence the 2016 US Presidential Elections. Large news organizations are
especially threatened by the ability of just about anyone to tweet a video or a
photo of a newsworthy event even before they can report it. There is also the
essential question of the value of truthful and insightful journalism in this
age where information travels so quickly. Another issue is regulation. Unlike
traditional media companies which operate within clear geo-political borders,
the Internet is a worldwide web. Regulators grapple with how and who should
regulate its various activities, while some argue that with its global reach,
it is far better and safer that it remains outside the control of the
In democratic societies where freedom of speech and of the press are
valued and protected, traditional media function within the concept of
self-regulation rather than direct government control. Now that we’ve learned
that new media has transformed us into media content producers, how do you
think we can apply the principle of self-regulation in the new media?
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